Yisrayl Hawkins Asks Why Religions Think They Can Pick and Choose What to Teach Their Followers in L
Pastor at The House of Yahweh states among the many errors found in religions, ignoring the Name Yahweh is the most harmful.

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas has written a new post this week that invites world leaders and lay people alike to contact them for viable solutions based on scripture.
Yisrayl says the world is in great need of answers right now and The House of Yahweh is prepped and ready to provide scriptural answers that will eliminate problems in any situation. He says the answers are foolproof and given from the very beginning for mankind to live in peace.
“We have always had these answers, but the world rejected them early on and that’s when the problems began to escalate. We can have peace and we will provide the plan for it,” Yisrayl says.
Yisrayl says The House of Yahweh is the only organization on earth that is obey
ing the scriptures properly and is the only group qualified to teach them. He says he has scriptural proof that will back-up every word taught. He is adamant the proof is in the results.
“If you put what the scriptures say into practice and don’t sway from it one bit, you will see the great blessings that come in your life and anyone else who comes in contact with you,” Yisrayl says.
Yisrayl says the best way to gain a better understanding of these teachings is to watch their weekly Sabbath Service live streams every seventh day of the week at 9:00am CST on their website and Facebook live. Just type in https://www.facebook.com/officialhouseofyahweh/ in your web browser and hit enter.
To read the article and get more details, go to http://www.yahwehsbranch.com. Just type in https://www.yahwehsbranch.com in your web browser and hit enter. Click the top title word that says “BLOG” to read the newest letter.
About Us: The House of Yahweh, fully recognized in 1983 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America, continues to this present day to fulfill its commissioned work of preaching and publishing the True Message of Salvation.
The House of Yahweh correctly translated, restored and published The Book of Yahweh in 1987. It has the Sacred Names restored in all the correct places, and many of the mistranslated Scriptures have been correctly translated.