Many Are Seeking Bible Renditions for Answers, But Yisrayl Hawkins Says There Is Only One True Sourc
Texas Pastor Says The Book of Yahweh is back and here to stay, never to be hidden again in new post this week. ABILENE, TEXAS Yisrayl...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says Most People Do Not Understand What is Written in Their Bibles and Gives Main Re
Texas Pastor reveals why The House of Yahweh is the real deal with proof to back his words. ABILENE, TEXAS Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and...

Yisrayl Hawkins Refutes Accusations and Proclaims Message of Peace in New Post This Week
Texas Pastor proves peace, health, and stress-free living are possible and points out the way. ABILENE, TEXAS Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says “Salvation” is a Word that Remains Relevant for 21st Century And Explains Why i
Texas Pastor says lack of teaching from mainstream religion has produced a lack of religious interest but the original facts remain on...