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Yisrayl Hawkins Reveals How President Trump’s Middle East Peace Plan Push Fits into the Prophet Dani

Pastor at The House of Yahweh proves biblical writings are accurate and details what it all means in new post


Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, has written a new post this week that details biblical writings concerning current events in this generation. Yisrayl says the biblical Prophets of old spoke great words about this generation and said many things would be taking place. He says the Middle East Peace Plan that President Trump has been pushing fits right into one of the great Prophecies foretold so many generations ago. Yisrayl says if one ever doubted the Bible before, he urges them to study this one Prophecy alone and see how the details line up perfectly with events that have taken place over the past 25 years.

“The Prophet Daniyl spoke of this time and the Oslo Accord. He had very specific details, timing and events that would all line up to make this take place, and they are taking place right before our very eyes,” Yisrayl says.

Yisrayl says the details are so specific that there will leave no doubt that this very Prophecy is being fulfilled. Yisrayl says there is no better time to be alive than now to see such biblical events taking place right in front of your very eyes. He asks the reader to take the time and really study each word in order to understand every detail and get a clear picture when watching the news.

“To the average person, the news just looks like news; but to the biblically trained eye, it’s Prophecy unfolding bit by bit,” Yisrayl proclaims.

Yisrayl says anyone can understand Prophecy if they will take the time to study. He says The House of Yahweh has all the information available in all forms of media to cater to everyone.

Yisrayl says the best way to gain a better understanding of these Prophecies is to watch their weekly Sabbath Service live streams every seventh day of the week at 9:00am CST on their website and Facebook live. Just type in in your web browser and hit enter.

To read the article and get more details, go to Just type in in your web browser and hit enter. Click the top title word that says BLOG” to read the newsletter.

About Us: The House of Yahweh, fully recognized in 1983 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America, continues to this present day to fulfill its commissioned work of preaching and publishing the True Message of Salvation.

The House of Yahweh correctly translated, restored and published The Book of Yahweh in 1987. It has the Sacred Names restored in all the correct places, and many of the mistranslated Scriptures have been correctly translated.

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