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Yisrayl Hawkins Says the Bible Needs to Be Brought Back into Homes and Schools as a Real Problem Sol

Pastor at The House of Yahweh releases new publication this week that states emphatically the Bible needs to be a part of everyday life in order to restore quality living.


Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, has released a publication this week on his blog that details the problem-solving capabilities of the Holy Scriptures. Yisrayl says there was once a time when the Bible was read at the dinner table, and families made it an important part of their day. He says those days are long gone, and entertainment has crept into its place. Morals across the board have soared downward.

“If the Holy Scriptures was read as a family unit and upheld in school as well, we would begin to see parents and teachers working in unity to bring up children with morals and high standards,” Yisrayl says.

Yisrayl is quick to point out that not all Bibles are equal. He says The Book of Yahweh - The Holy Scriptures has been restored back to the original with proper names and verses. He says the King James Version, among others, were severely tampered with to intentionally cause deceit and confusion. He says you can still read those Bibles but highly suggests obtaining a copy of The Book of Yahweh for a much easier to read and correct translation experience.

“The biblical scholars agree that The Book of Yahweh is the closest to the original manuscripts available,” Yisrayl says.

He says the King James Version was so dramatically changed from the original that they still find, through much study, verses that need to be restored to the original. He says every time a verse is restored, it is given in a sermon at The House of Yahweh which streams live online. All resources are given to show proof. Yisrayl invites everyone to tune in live every Sabbath (Saturday) at 9:00am CST on their facebook here, or

Yisrayl says The Book of Yahweh - The Holy Scriptures will solve problems if given an opportunity. He adds that every week teachings are brought based on the book, and no one needs to feel lost or too far behind. He says anyone, at any stage in life, can jump on board now, watch the sermons for understanding and learn. He says they stream 24/7, so there is plenty of time to catch up.

To read the publication and get more details, go to

About Us: The House of Yahweh, fully recognized in 1983 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America, continues to this present day to fulfill its commissioned work of preaching and publishing the True Message of Salvation.

The House of Yahweh has correctly restored the Heavenly Father’s Name and the Savior’s True Name in the translation named in Scripture as The Book of Yahweh.

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