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With NATO Chief Confirming the Apostle Shaul’s Writings, Yisrayl Hawkins Reveals What Comes Next in

The House of Yahweh Pastor says Biblical Prophecies are coming to pass daily and news headlines confirm them all.


Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh, has released a new publication this week that focuses on what Bible Prophecy explains about this current generation. Yisrayl says the Holy Scriptures speak continually about this generation and all the prophecies that will take place. He goes into detail with what has already taken place and what is still to come.

Yisrayl says his mission is to reach the world and explain to every nation what breaking Yahweh’s Laws brings and what keeping Yahweh’s Laws bring. Yisrayl says this generation has never seen true peace and he wants to show how that can be achieved by getting back to the Holy Scriptures. Yisrayl explains that there is a big problem with how nations settle disagreements. He says they show this example to the world and when it is played out in the media then everyone learns and thinks this is the correct way to deal with conflict.

“Vengeance and retaliation have never brought peace. War has never brought peace. History proves this over and over again,” Yisrayl says.

He says it is time this generation learns how to solve conflicts peacefully. He wants every household in the world to have access to the training that will bring peace into homes, schools, businesses, and even nations. He says this training goes back to the basics, back to the Holy Scriptures and back to the way life was intended to be lived. Obedience to the Inspired Scriptures will solve modern problems, all of them; that’s a fact.

“Once you experience how to have peaceful relationships, no matter the situation, you will never want to go back to your old way of life again. There is nothing better than peace,” Yisrayl says.

Yisrayl says both learning Bible Prophecy and training is of no cost and available to everyone. He says just call The House of Yahweh at 1-800-613-9494 or email at info(at) or go to the website and chat with one of the support agents.

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