Yisrayl Hawkins Says There is a Peaceful Solution to End World Wars and Offers Plan in New Post
Pastor at The House of Yahweh writes publication that he says will expose the world’s issues and presses for individual changes.

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, has written a new post this week that rebukes the use of violence and aggression to solve problems and pleads with world leaders to be more open about positive changes. Yisrayl says the use of force is not necessary, and armed forces do not bring peace. He says there is a peaceful and positive way to solve all; yes, all issues, and he is ready to share this with anyone willing to listen.
Yisrayl discusses the history behind war and the damage this has brought to society. He is adamant that war is only a tool for misery and will never solve any problem.
“Can you tell me one time ever when war has been beneficial? Lives are lost, families are destroyed, yet they insist on letting it continue. Why? It brings in money, it’s as simple as that,” Yisrayl says.
Yisrayl is sure to add that there are wonderful blessings promised to all those who want to turn from war and fighting and learn how to have True Peace. He says that the world can continue fighting, but if an individual turns and learns the Laws of Peace, then they will have an eternal opportunity to live in peace, joy, and abundant living. He adds that this solution is the only way to bring peace to all nations.
“Turn your foot from the ways of war and learn how to live life the way it was intended. Once you learn how, you will never want to go back to the ways of war ever again,” Yisrayl says.
The post is 15-pages and gives proven solutions to all who would like to learn how the world got in the mess it is, how to reverse the effects and how to make a positive change that will give you peace now.
To read this letter, go to http://www.yahwehsbranch.com.
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The House of Yahweh, fully recognized in 1983 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America, continues to this present day to fulfill its commissioned work of preaching and publishing the True Message of Salvation.
The House of Yahweh has correctly restored the Heavenly Father’s Name and the Savior’s True Name in the translation named in Scripture as The Book of Yahweh.