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Yisrayl Hawkins States World Problems Have Escalated to the Point that Only Yahweh Can Solve Them in

Texas Pastor lists today’s problems and proves Yahweh is our last and only hope


Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, has written a new post this week that focuses on the world’s problems and asks society to face the reality regarding the only solution to all of it.

Yisrayl says the world has reached a point to where drastic changes need to be implemented “in order to heal the many wounds that are gaping in all parts of the world”. He says there is a cause and a very clear solution, but minds need to be open and ready to receive the knowledge.

“The answer to all problems is really simple. We do not need more of man’s laws, sanctions, bans, or this and that to resolve anything. We simply need the Laws of Yahweh that need no overhauling,” Yisrayl explained.

Yisrayl goes on to say that the Laws of Yahweh were given from the beginning of Creation, and it’s the only set of Laws needed in order for mankind to live in Peace, Joy and have Abundant Living. He explains there are only 613 Laws, Statutes and Commandments, and all of them are fully capable of solving every single problem in this and all generations to come. He says these Laws include Laws of prevention in addition to ones which solve problems.

“There has never been a problem between individuals, families, communities, or even nations that could not be resolved with this set of moral Laws. They are the answer to every single world problem. Period!” Yisrayl adds.

The House of Yahweh has published a free booklet listing the 613 Laws, and Yisrayl expounds on these Laws weekly with live Sabbath sermons on their website. He invites everyone to watch on Sabbath (Saturday) mornings 9:00 Central Time at

To read this post, go to

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