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Yisrayl Hawkins Says the World’s Greatest Gathering of Righteous People is taking place now in Lates

With Passover only days away, Texas Pastor invites all interested in knowing Creator Yahweh to attend as he says Jeremiah 23:5-8 is taking place now.


Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas has released a new publication that hits on many different religions and he says people need to understand what this really means. Yisrayl begins the letter by explaining what religious titles are and how this one topic alone is critical to getting prayers answered. He expounds on the multitudes of religions and explains what the bible says about them. He is adamant that people do not really understand what the bible means when it says “One Faith”, and he is out to clear up the matter.

“We have a Feast coming in just a few days now that will give so much information on these topics that are crucial to Eternal Life. If you want the truth about religion and the bible, you will not want to miss this Feast,” Yisrayl proclaims.

Yisrayl says the Creator, Yahweh, recognizes these Feasts and says Yahweh’s presence is actually there with them. He shows scriptural proof and details the passages explaining why The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, is the only prophesied chosen place. He also says he can prove they are the only group in the world who keep the Feasts according to the every Word in the Holy Scriptures.

Yisrayl adds that this Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread is extra special, as not only are they expecting great prophecies to be fulfilled but the group has also announced registration and food is free. Yisrayl says, “There is no famine at The House of Yahweh and the Great Gathering has already started”.

“We have been expecting a very large number to flow to The House of Yahweh very soon now and it is beginning. I wanted to make it as simple and welcoming as possible so every person will eat the cleanest, most heartiest food available both spiritually and physically, at no cost,” Yisrayl adds.

Yisrayl says the great biblical gathering spoken of in many passages in the Holy Scriptures has begun at The House of Yahweh and that it will soon be evident to all. He invites all who believe and want to be a part of this great Prophecy, to attend this Feast.

Registration for the Feast can be found on the website.

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