The Savior’s Teachings Were Significantly Altered 325 Years After His Birth Says Yisrayl Hawkins in
Pastor at The House of Yahweh presents proof the Messiah’s Words were “doctored up” and even His very Name changed.

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh, has written a new article this week that boldly rebukes those who have participated in changing the Inspired Writings of the Savior. Yisrayl says there has been a great conspiracy to change the original writings of the Scriptures to keep the world ignorant of the truth, and he’s blowing the lid off the entire plot. He adds that this was a very subtle and crafty change that really began to unfold around 325 years after the Savior was born. Yisrayl says the plot was so thick, that it included changing the Savior’s very Name in the Holy Scriptures itself. He says it could not have taken place unless a very large and powerful organization was behind it.
“In this article I’m going to expose who is behind altering the Scriptures, changing the Sabbath Day, the Ten Commandments, and changing the Names of the Creator, Yahweh, and the Savior, Yahshua, and so much more,” Yisrayl promises.
Yisrayl says there has been so much deception in this “great plan” that he cannot possibly write about it all in one article, but this article does expose a great deal of it. He adds that he has a lifetime of writings that he offers that puts the whole story together and lines up the pieces like a puzzle so anyone can understand the deception that has been created. He says his goal is to “lift the veil of deception” and let Yahweh’s Light shine unto all.
“I have a mission to fulfill, and I will complete the mission that has been given to me. Don’t miss this article, you will be blown away with what I reveal in it,” Yisrayl says.
To read this article, go to
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The House of Yahweh, fully recognized in 1983 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America, continues to fulfill its commissioned work of preaching and publishing the True Message of Salvation.
The House of Yahweh has correctly restored the Heavenly Father’s and the Savior’s True Names in the translation named in Scripture as The Book of Yahweh.