World Events are Lined Up With Biblical Prophecy Says Yisrayl Hawkins in New Post
Startling details about today’s problems read like news headlines in the Bible says Texas Pastor

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, has published a new article this week that reveals biblical secrets surrounding this current time period. Yisrayl says all of the events taking place around the world today were “foretold thousands of years ago, recorded in the Bible and kept safe so that they could be understood at a specific time”. He says this is that time.
“For someone to doubt there is a Creator is just beyond me. Yahweh put together this amazing Plan for mankind, wrote about it thousands of years ago, foretelling in specific detail, what would take place throughout the generations, and it has all come to pass exactly as it is written. Could you do that?” Yisrayl asks.
Yisrayl details biblical Prophecy and breaks down Scriptures from the Book of Revelation that he says are crucial to understand. He adds that there are “so many spins on what the Book of Revelation means that are incorrect”.
He is providing rock-hard evidence that his explanations are correct. Yisrayl supports all of his writings with research that backs up his studies, so anyone can cross-reference his work. He smiles when he says he writes for all people–from children to adults and the layperson to the scholar.
“My goal is to get every single person in the world to understand Scripture. I do not teach only the most educated, I teach so that all can understand perfectly clear, no matter what age or social status a person falls under,” Yisrayl adds.
This post is a packed 11 pages and is published on his blog.
You can read this article here
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The House of Yahweh, fully recognized in 1983 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America, continues to fulfill its commissioned work of preaching and publishing the True Message of Salvation.
The House of Yahweh has correctly restored the Heavenly Father’s and the Savior’s True Names in the translation named in Scripture as The Book of Yahweh.