Yisrayl Hawkins Refutes Accusations and Proclaims Message of Peace in New Post This Week
Texas Pastor proves peace, health, and stress-free living are possible and points out the way.

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh, has published a new article that refutes false accusations and says his message is that of teaching people a way to peace, health and eternal joy. Yisrayl says he has been accused of being the “prophet of doom,” when in fact; his teachings are of peace. He adds that false accusations and persecution are nothing new in his world and says it has always been that way for those who keep the Laws found in the Holy Scriptures.
“If you want to keep the Fourth Commandment - the Seventh Day Sabbath, call the Creator by His true Name, Yahweh, only or keep the Scriptures properly, then you are labeled a trouble maker and an idiot, as Pope Francis says. Even the Savior had to endure such accusations,” Yisrayl says.
Yisrayl makes it known that he does not hold ill will against his accusers, but says he “understands where their influence originates from and why.” He says he would like to offer them the opportunity to learn the Prophecies and show them what Yahweh wants the world to see. Yisrayl says, “There is a Plan bigger than any one person and it is the most amazing and beautiful blueprint for mankind that one could ever think possible”.
Yisrayl says he wants to encourage anyone who has heard accusations against him not to stop there, but to look into them. He says if a person will study his writings and cross-reference everything, they will easily see who the real false prophet is. Yisrayl says his teachings are straight from the Holy Scriptures and are inspired by Yahweh.
He says everyone is welcome to understanding the truth, and it is offered free at The House of Yahweh.
To read this article, go to http://yahwehsbranch.com
The House of Yahweh, fully recognized in 1983 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America, continues to fulfill its commissioned work of preaching and publishing the True Message of Salvation.
The House of Yahweh has correctly restored the Heavenly Father’s and the Savior’s True Names in the translation named in Scripture as The Book of Yahweh.