Yisrayl Hawkins Says Traditional Holidays are a Sham and Says to Replace Them with This Instead…
Texas Pastor writes new publication this week explaining the benefits of keeping the biblical Feasts and proves by Scripture they were never done away with.

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, has written a new article this week explaining the Feast Days that were commanded to be kept in the bible are still being observed today. Yisrayl explains that the Feasts were never stopped by the Savior or his followers. However, through lies and deception, over a period of time that is exactly what took place.
“It’s very obvious who is behind the scheme to make it seem like the Feasts were only something done in the days of the Prophets and Apostles, but I can prove that is not the case. In fact, we are keeping them as we are commanded to,” Yisrayl says.
Yisrayl explains the commanded Feast days through Scriptures. He also gives guidance on how to keep them, where to keep them and on what days.
“The Scriptures give us very clear references on exactly how to keep the Feast Days properly. They are appointments set by Yahweh at the place He chooses, forever,” Yisrayl explains.
He says the next Feast is on June 12, 2016 at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas and he’s extending an open invitation to all who want to experience the true way to peace, joy and eternal life. He continues to share that the Feasts must be kept in a specific way in order to be recognized and rewarded by the Creator, Yahweh.
The letter is 20-pages long and is chock-full showing the reward straight from Yahweh when one keeps the Feasts properly.
To read about this, go to http://yahwehsbranch.com.
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The House of Yahweh, fully recognized in 1983 as a non-profit organization in the United States of America, continues to fulfill its commissioned work of preaching and publishing the True Message of Salvation.
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