Yisrayl Hawkins Makes Formal Plea to All World Leaders in Effort to Push World Peace in New Post Thi
Texas Pastor pens article urging nations to start keeping biblical Laws in order to achieve peace.

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, has released a new publication reaching out to all world leaders in an effort to bring world peace.
In the article, he says it is a critical point in time to have all leaders come together. Yisrayl says the main reason nations cannot come into unity is due to a lack of keeping the Laws found in every bible. He continues by saying there should not be multiple religions and faiths, all with contradicting beliefs.
“Every leader has his own faith, based on traditions, and his own set of man-made laws; this causes conflict. The only set of Just and Righteous Laws that everyone can live with are found in the Holy Scriptures, Yisrayl adds.
He writes that if every world leader was taught and trained to practice the same set of Peaceful Laws, given by the Creator at the beginning of creation, conflicts between nations would cease all together.
“Can you imagine a world with total peace? This is what we will see if all leaders would unite in this goal and get back to living life the way it was meant to be,” Yisrayl continued.
He says the goal would be to first train the leaders how to keep the biblical Laws properly, then let the leaders train others in their regions who would continue the pattern until all people are trained. Yisrayl says there is a clear pattern, shown in Scripture, to follow that is guaranteed to work, and this is what he intends to follow to the letter.
“My prophesied job is to fulfill this mission, and that is what I will do,” Yisrayl says.
To read about this, go to http://yahwehsbranch.com.
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