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True Biblical Holy Days Exposed, Says Yisrayl Hawkins in New Publication

Pastor at the House of Yahweh writes document this week outlining what the Scriptures say are the Holy Days commanded to be kept.

Abilene, Texas


Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer at The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, has written a new article, published on his blog, that covers what he says are the True Holy Days written in the Bible. With Easter and Good Friday fast approaching, Yisrayl says this is the perfect time to show stunning details that blow, what many consider to be, the main religious holidays out the window.

The publication titled “Let Us Keep The Feast” discusses what days are to be kept, where they are to be kept, what time of the year, and by whom. "The main religious holidays, like Easter, are not among them, Yisrayl says. He adds they are pagan customs that many celebrate without knowledge of their origins.

“The Scriptures were changed and twisted. As a result, the people were led to believe that the Scriptural Feasts and Sabbath days are no longer to be kept, but it was all done out of deception and the world has suffered ever since,” Yisrayl says. Read Isayah 66:23-24.

He writes about benefits that come from keeping the Feast and Sabbath days, adding that they are not only commanded, but offer special protection.

“These Feasts are the Shadow of Yahweh. They are your protection, show that you belong to Yahweh, and that you cannot be touched by Satan’s destruction,” Yisrayl says.

Yisrayl says there are three commanded Feasts that must be kept in Abilene, Texas, the next one being held in April. He encourages everyone to read about the importance of keeping these True Holy Days and invites anyone who desires to experience True Peace, Joy and Love to attend. He adds that The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas is the only group that keeps the commanded Feasts at the right place, on the right days, and at the proper times.

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