Murders Will Not Cease Until We Change Our Lifestyle, Says Yisrayl Hawkins in Publication
Yisrayl Hawkins has written a new article that dives into the history of murder and how society must change their ways in order for these violent acts to cease.
Abilene, Texas

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and overseer at The House of Yahweh, has penned a new publication in an attempt to stop people from “raising Cain”.
In the publication entitled, “Could All Nations be Guilty of Murder?,” Yisrayl digs deep into the past using several historical references that lead the reader back in time to the first recorded murder, which started with Cain. From there Yisrayl guides the reader down a historical path that’s littered with war, violence and murder. He says he wants to show why this has taken place so that people can decide to take the alternate, peaceful path.
The cause for wars is what we all need to understand.
“All one has to do is look at the history, the pattern we have followed for thousands of years, to see that it’s not working. If everyone would follow the Laws written for us in the Holy Scriptures, we could see this mess turn around,” Yisrayl said.
He says if you compare the way of Cain to the way of his brother, Righteous Abel, you will see that many people have gone the way of Cain today. He’s offering a way to get off the path that leads to murder and jump on the path that leads to life.
“We’ve been given the way to Perfect Peace. All we need to do is teach it to all nations. I’ve got the roadmap,” Yisrayl says.
The publication can be read here
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