Yisrayl Hawkins Says You Have Been Tricked Into Worshipping Satan in New Article
Pastor says the whole world has been deceived into turning against the Creator, all the while thinking they are worshipping Him, in a new revealing post.
Abilene, Texas

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer of The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, is once again stirring the pot by revealing to the whole world, including even the most devout Christians, that they are deceived into worshipping Satan, the devil, in his new article.
Yisrayl says it all started as a clever plan organized by Satan, and carried out by the Catholic Church. He says this plan included removing the Name of the Creator from the Inspired Holy Scriptures and replacing it with titles such as Lord and God. These are not titles of Yahweh, the Creator, Who alone can answer prayers.
“Everyone needs this information,” he says.
“When you remove the Name of the Heavenly Father, Yahweh, and put the word Lord or God in its place, you deceive the reader into thinking that Lord or God created the heavens and the earth instead of Yahweh,” Yisrayl said.
He says many people believe it does not matter what name you call the Creator, but Yisrayl says it does matter. People need to understand they are actually calling upon, praying to, and worshipping Satan by using pagan titles, such as Lord and God.
“This whole world needs to wake up and realize that Yahweh, the Creator, is not a Lord or a God," Hawkins said. It does make a difference.
Yisrayl is encouraging everyone to read the facts and understand how this deception crept in and how you have the opportunity to come away from it and receive the blessings that come from calling upon the Creator by His Name. He says everyone has the opportunity to reverse the deception in his or her life. The information is clear and simple to understand, and he has provided all the content necessary at no cost to the reader.
To read Yisrayl’s letter and all the points he has laid out surrounding this topic, go to
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Restoring the Rightful Name of Yahweh and the True Name of the Savior, Yahshua, Whose Names were removed by the Roman Catholic Church and replaced in the Holy Scriptures with words such as lord and god, The House of Yahweh has correctly restored the Heavenly Father’s Name and also restored the Savior’s True Name in the translation named in Scripture, The Book of Yahweh; and ascribing to the Heavenly Father, the loving, caring attributes that establish Yahweh as the One and Only Heavenly Father is at the core of all teachings from the Great House of Yahweh. Father Yahweh gave mankind a pattern for living, a code of conduct, which The House of Yahweh teaches and promotes as The Body of 613 Laws established by Yahweh, Himself, from the very beginning.