Yisrayl Hawkins Backs Barack Obama’s Pleas to Let the Children Come to the U.S. in New Letter
Pastor of The House of Yahweh pens publication explaining the great benefits that would come from allowing children from other nations to enter the United States to get the help they need.
Abilene, Texas

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer of The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, writes a letter pleading to let the children from other nations, who are trying to escape to the U.S., to be allowed to come. Yisrayl says President Barack Obama is fighting to let these children get the assistance they need from the United States, and he wants to help him.
“It is really heartbreaking to watch the children coming from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador being treated as if they are doing something wrong by asking our nation for help,” Yisrayl said.
The letter goes into great detail about the prophecy Yisrayl says shows that the love would grow cold in our time period. He says this is the prophesied reason behind turning away “foreign” children who are crying out for help.
“All nations are watching what the United States of America is doing. Think of what we are showing them by telling these begging children, “We don’t want you, go back to where you came from. We will not help you,” Yisrayl said.
In the letter, Yisrayl Hawkins writes what biblical prophecy says about why the children are being treated unfairly and how if they were allowed to come, the benefits it would bring. Yisrayl says these children would be able to get the education they need in order to help train others to be successful in life. “I am not speaking secular or sex education,” Yisrayl said. The education he refers to is an education in positive moral character. Yisrayl says these children can be trained in 30 days and then, in turn, go back to help their countries.
“In 30 days we can have them trained to the point that they will be able to help their countries. Then we would continue with refresher courses. They will be able to teach the teachers and leaders of their countries how to solve any problem that arises, or even solve problems before they arise. We know this to be a fact, because we have this program actively implemented throughout the United States and in other countries,” Yisrayl Hawkins said.
To read this letter, go to http://www.yahwehsbranch.com
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