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Yisrayl Hawkins Says Hollywood Lifestyle Causing Untold Suffering in New Publication

Pastor of the House of Yahweh says our modern lifestyle, full of pharmaceuticals, promiscuity and licentiousness, is what’s rapidly multiplying disease epidemics globally.

Abilene, Texas


The House of Yahweh has released a new publication written by their Pastor, Yisrayl Hawkins, who blasts the Hollywood lifestyle as the cause of many of our woes today.

Hawkins begins his case by laying out the many birth defects taking place in children and continues with the rise of disease epidemics that started increasing about five years after television was invented.

The report is complete with a 2013 disease chart and scientific articles explaining how STDs, harmful drugs and pesticides are breaking down the health of mankind and animals, as well as the environment.

Not one to shy away from controversy, Hawkins dives head first into the topic of how knowledge was increased in this generation he says, as prophecy said it would be, and man has used the knowledge to wreck our health and create weapons of mass destruction.

“Everyone in the world should know by now that morals were brought down by Hollywood, starting first with the increase in knowledge that, secondly, led mankind to the invention of TV in 1934, which brought Hollywood into every home, teaching every child the will of Satan and the Catholic Church,” Hawkins said.

“I remember when television was made available in Purcell, Oklahoma in the early 1940s. Before that, there were bible study groups all over Oklahoma - in community buildings, barns, even in schools, and in brush arbors. There were preachers of all kinds; I don’t think they ever said what denomination they were, they just came with a bible in hand and brought lessons in Scripture,” Hawkins continued.

Hawkins says the preachers fought the shows that were coming into the homes on television at first, but not for long. The saying became, “if you can’t beat them, join them”. He says, at that point, they joined with Satan.

Hawkins says, The House of Yahweh is fighting against the grain to help people understand what has taken place, where it started, and how they can begin to reverse it.

“Today, the only religion that speaks out against Satan, and the religions that team up with Satan and the Seven Hills of Rome, is The House of Yahweh. All the preachers and denominations turned to and joined with Hollywood and all of its sexual sins. Now anything goes. This is iniquity, and every sin abounds,” Hawkins said.

He says, The House of Yahweh goes into great detail in educating the people on these gruesome disease mutations and the results of sin, so they can see this is not normal and not the way it was intended for us to live. He said there is a solution to end the suffering and he wants the world to know we don’t have to continue on this downward spiral.

You can read this publication in full at

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