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Yisrayl Hawkins Writes Open Letter To Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson

The House of Yahweh is reaching out to the Duck Dynasty star, Phil Robertson, amidst recent controversy by writing an open letter this week telling him to stand strong.

Abilene, Texas


In light of the recent media storm caused by Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson’s GQ interview, where he quoted the bible and made anti-gay comments, Yisrayl Hawkins of The House of Yahweh has written him an

open letter that has been posted on the group’s blog.

Hawkins opens the letter telling Robertson not to give in to the pressure, and telling him he’s not wrong on his views that homosexuality is a sin. Hawkins’ group has long taught that the bible teaches against homosexuality and says they are glad others are publically standing up for what is morally right.

The House of Yahweh believes the Catholic Church is behind the media push to condemn Robertson, and they say it’s time people know why this is all taking place.

“This whole world needs to wake up to some Scriptural facts about what the catholic pope and Vatican are trying to do to you and your children, and you need to stand strong on the Inspired Scriptures,” Hawkins said.

Hawkins has never been one to shy away from controversy and dives head on into this one, by going into depth on why he believes the Catholic Church is pushing homosexuality and persecuting Phil Robertson for speaking truth.

“The propaganda that is being pushed by the churches, especially the church that sits on seven hills that practices and teaches sodomy. Their teaching is, if the catholic courts, which fill the United States of America, say it’s okay to commit sodomy, then “we the people”; that is, all people, must accept and welcome it into our lives and our families; thus, denying Yahweh, His Kingdom and His Righteousness,” Hawkins said in his letter.

Hawkins goes further by showing what consequences are upon the world because of these “acts of abomination”.

“Sodomy is an evil sin that creates diseases inside the bodies of men, women, and children that spread not only to sodomites, but also to the entire community. Saying it’s right, does not make it right. We all need to stand up against it. The popes are trying to push it on the whole world in honor of Satan the devil and the other Gods they promote,” Hawkins continues.

To read the ten-page open letter go here:

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