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Yisrayl Hawkins Says Pope Francis Is Teaching The Same Thing Satan Taught Eve In Genesis Chapter 3 A

Yisrayl Hawkins Responds to Pope Francis open letter to the founder of La Repubblica newspaper

Abilene, Texas


In reference to a response by Pope Francis, Hawkins quotes Pope Francis as saying, “Obey your conscience only? You can’t find that in your bible – it’s not there! Plus the bible, the inspired writing of Yahweh's prophets and apostles, is the only authority and guide to salvation.”

Yisrayl Hawkins goes further by quoting a verse from the Book of Deuteronomy which appears to contradict the pope’s stance. “You must not do what is right in your own eyes.”

Yisrayl Hawkins quotes the savior in saying “man does not live by bread alone but by every word of Yahweh does man live, and then the apostle Yahchanan says what sin is in 1 John 3:4, 7-8."

Yisrayl Hawkins, who lays claim to be the Last Days Witness spoken of in several books of the bible says it is his job to expose the sins of the Catholic Church. “This shows how little they know about the scriptures and what Yahweh has to offer.

Hawkins referenced several scriptures in his sermon and says many religions believe the catholic church is leading people astray and claims he has proof to show the world is being led into nuclear wars and almost total destruction, in this generation.

Hawkins says he will be bringing more proof on this subject and is inviting everyone to watch live as he brings forth the truth every Saturday morning at 9:30am central at

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