Yisrayl Hawkins says Legalizing Marijuana Will Only Accomplish Two Things – More Taxes For Governmen

Yisrayl Hawkins of The House of Yahweh came out strong in his 8/31/13 sermon on the ongoing debate of legalized marijuana stating it ruins people’s ability to function in the most basic of ways
Abilene, Texas
“Marijuana is one of, if not the worst street drug available today”, says Yisrayl Hawkins, Overseer of The House of Yahweh, in Abilene, TX. Marijuana affects the human brain in a gradually damaging way; it attacks important brain function with each inhalation. Because of its deceptive way of appearing harmless, people are not aware of the damage it is having on their bodies.”
Yisrayl Hawkins gives weekly sermons on a variety of topics, his 8/31/13 sermon spoke on the issue everyone is buzzing about, legalizing marijuana.
In his speaking, it’s clear that being a “pot head” is no laughing matter to Hawkins. “This is no joke and legalizing the drug will have serious repercussions,” he claims. He states that continued use leads to an indifferent, lazy type of person with that person’s ability to think, to reason, and even to learn new behaviors and abilities seriously compromised.
“We need to teach people to be more responsible and dependable; marijuana use undermines character development at even the most basic of levels,” he states. “If people have a… 'Ah, I don’t care' attitude, how can they be encouraged to better themselves and the world around them?” he adds.
Hawkins says that at a time when we should be pushing people toward character education, we are considering legalizing marijuana, which is utter foolishness, and we (society) will pay the price.
The group says looking for ways to escape, like smoking marijuana, will only bring more harm. They say that once they come down off of their high, the troubles are still there so they have to get high again, repeating the vicious cycle. They say people need to get back to the original way of life taught in the scriptures, which will bring an end to the troubles we are facing today.
The House of Yahweh posts the weekly sermons on their website for anyone to watch at no cost at
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