The House of Yahweh Exhibits Display Showing Prophecy Fulfilled

Religious group puts together elaborate display showing past, present and future prophecy
Abilene, Texas
The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas is exhibiting a very interesting display right on the Feast grounds.
The display, which consists of covered wagons, grazing animals, a model T and a smoking missile just to name a few, has a very significant meaning, the group says.
They say this display is meant to show that within the last 70 years, the promise of the increase of knowledge was fulfilled. This is the past, present and future of mankind they say.
Yisrayl Hawkins, overseer over The House of Yahweh also reveals prophecy through live visuals to present the accuracy of ancient biblical prophecy.
“The last 70 years has shown dramatic changes as prophecy written thousands of years ago foretold in detail, in life styles and living conditions”, says Hawkins. “From horse drawn wagons to modern travel and from wooden plows to ballistic missiles, we want to show how technology has increased, according to detail prophecies, and what our future holds” Hawkins says.
The House of Yahweh says they have a plan to reverse the negative impacts and bleak future.
The group has added more pictures of the display on their facebook page at: