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One man responds to Boston Marathon Bombings with loud plea not to retaliate

Religious leader says we should not try to get even with the bomber or bombers

Abilene, Texas

“Retaliation and vengeance is not the answer to solving this

problem,” Hawkins said. “It will only make matters worse. It’s like taking vengeance against the school shooter instead of finding the system that caused the boy to shoot."

“Yes, we need to find the bomber or bombers,” Hawkins said, “and use them to find the problem that caused them to want to kill.”

Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and Overseer over The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas, writes a letter in response to the Boston Marathon bombings pleading that no one use retaliation against the bomber and bombers.

In his two-page letter, Hawkins explains how for almost 6,000 years retaliation has never made anything better. He goes into biblical examples backing up his points and showing how “going the way of Cain” is leading the world to nuclear destruction.

“For 6,000 years we’ve seen how sin has caused nothing but suffering,” says Hawkins. “We’ve got to get to a point where we say enough is enough, then turn from the cause. Does it make it right to kill because someone else did? No.”

“What we need to do is stop trying to get even and start helping reverse the thoughts that are leading to someone wanting to kill or hurt someone else in the first place,” Hawkins said. “They hurt because they too got hurt. What caused them to get hurt? What system made the bomber? What system produced the shooter?” Hawkins asks.

“Find that system, solve that problem and you have solved a multitude of offences.” Hawkins said.

In his letter he references a program called the Peaceful Solution Character Education Program, that he believes will help stop the violence problem in America and around the world.

“This program teaches you to control your thoughts, feelings, and actions. It makes a person change from evil and hate-filled intentions, to peaceful, caring and productive individuals. If we will just use this program worldwide, we’ll see these mass killings stop. We’ll see the desires to hurt others stop,” he said.

Hawkins plans on writing a more detailed letter to be published in print, but the condensed version can be found on The House of Yahweh blog here:

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