Yisrayl Hawkins Writes Letter To Pope Francis Blasting Him For His Recent Gay Comments
Yisrayl Hawkins says in new letter to Pope Francis that he needs to repent of HIS sins Abilene, Texas Yisrayl Hawkins, Overseer of The...

Bible Scholar Publishes Article Says Will Prove The Whole Bible True
Yisrayl Hawkins publishes new article on prophecy he says will prove the whole bible true Abilene, Texas Yisrayl Hawkins says that he...

The House of Yahweh Exhibits Display Showing Prophecy Fulfilled
Religious group puts together elaborate display showing past, present and future prophecy Abilene, Texas The House of Yahweh in Abilene,...

One man responds to Boston Marathon Bombings with loud plea not to retaliate
Religious leader says we should not try to get even with the bomber or bombers Abilene, Texas “Retaliation and vengeance is not the...

The House of Yahweh Announces Sighting of the New Moon of Green Ears of Barley that Officially Sets
Religious group sights the new moon that sets scriptural Feast. Abilene, Texas The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas announces the...