Yisrayl Hawkins Says Stop Shunning The Bible and Watch Blessings Abound
Pastor at The House of Yahweh releases new post this week that gives scriptural detailed examples of how the Holy Scriptures would help...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says the Bible Described the Modern Computer Thousands of Years Ago in New Post
Many know that computers have origins in 1934, but Texas Pastor shows early Prophecies with information for today. ABILENE, TEXAS Yisrayl...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says Keep the Laws of Righteousness in Order to Maintain Health and Keep the Peace
Pastor at The House of Yahweh explains the importance of the Laws of Righteousness and how they directly relate to a healthy society in...

News Headlines and Bible Prophecy are One and the Same Says Yisrayl Hawkins in Newest Post This Week
The Bible describes today’s events thousands of years ago, and Texas Pastor shows the parallels for all to see. ABILENE, TEXAS Yisrayl...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says the Bible Needs to Be Brought Back into Homes and Schools as a Real Problem Sol
Pastor at The House of Yahweh releases new publication this week that states emphatically the Bible needs to be a part of everyday life...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says to 4,199 Religions That it is Not Only Possible to Keep the Commandments, It’s
Pastor at The House of Yahweh releases publication this week that condemns all religious teachings that go against Scripture ABILENE,...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says Leaders of Many Nations, Including President Trump, Play Key Prophetic Roles Wi
Pastor of The House of Yahweh proves Daniyl’s “missing week” Prophecy is about to enter last phase. ABILENE, TEXAS Yisrayl Hawkins,...

Yisrayl Hawkins Asks World Leaders To Listen To His Message of Peace
Pastor at The House of Yahweh says if all nations would work together in a simple plan, peace can be achieved in new Post ABILENE, TEXAS...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says It’s Time to Flood the News with Messages of How to Bring Nations into Unity
Pastor at The House of Yahweh releases new details on mission of peace and a plan to use in all nations to achieve it. ABILENE, TEXAS...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says There is a Peaceful Plan for Syria and Offers Hope in New Post
Pastor at The House of Yahweh says Damascus Prophecies are clear and so is the resolution to the matter with blueprint in hand. ABILENE,...