Hardcore Proof The House of Yahweh in Abilene, Texas is The Prophesied Place Says Yisrayl Hawkins
Texas Pastor released a new publication this week that boasts undeniable proof about the place the Holy Bible says you must go to for...

Yisrayl Hawkins Says There is Only One Place Shown in Scripture to Achieve Salvation and Shows Proof
Pastor at The House of Yahweh pens new letter that reveals details about Bible prophecy. Abilene, Texas Yisrayl Hawkins, Pastor and...

Latest Scientific Research Proves Accurate - The Health Laws in the Bible Would Stop All Cancer, Yis
Yisrayl Hawkins of The House of Yahweh says living by the health laws according to the bible would stop cancer. Abilene, Texas Yisrayl...

Bible Scholar Publishes Article Says Will Prove The Whole Bible True
Yisrayl Hawkins publishes new article on prophecy he says will prove the whole bible true Abilene, Texas Yisrayl Hawkins says that he...