YPN-News 2014
26 Videos
YPN News 12-27-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 16:00
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 12-27-2014
1. YPN News Year In Review: highlights of the top stories of 2014
YPN News 12-20-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 20:00
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 12-20-2014
1. Man drives into house in Abilene Texas
2. Huge drop in oil prices
3. U.S.- Cuba relations re-established
4. Protests in Venezuela over U.S. Sanctions
5. U.S. Sanctions hurting Russia, Putin’s speech with comment about “the bear”
6. Economic warfare against Russia – the ruble is having trouble
7. E.U. Summit – Military sales
YPN News 12-13-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 18:05
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 12-13-2014
1. Dangerous vaccines that kill
2. Severe rainfall causes flooding
3. Police officer cleared of wrongful death of choke hold victim Eric Garner -Video clip
4. Police brutality protests across the nation
5. Drums of War: Kerry, Hagle, and sending troops to Iraq
6. U.S. Drops arms into the hands of ISIS by mistake
7. Torture Report: CIA tactics to gain information
8. China confirms success of their new stealth fighter
9. Minuteman missiles across the U.S.
10. The New Cold War has begun – Ron Paul
11. Dick Cheney approves of torture – student walk out on his speech calling him a war criminal
YPN News 11-29-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 13:59
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 11-29-2014
1. Out of control winter storms
2. Drought causing water shortages, aquifers being depleted, sewage as drinking water
3. 3 Americans killed at a Synagogue in Jerusalem after a terrorist attack
4. Shooting in Austin Texas
5. Police shoot and kill a young black teen who had an air gun toy
6. New York police officer shoots and kill unarmed, innocent black man
7. Ferguson, MS unrest and anger
YPN News 11-08-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 15:16
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 11-08-2014
1. U.S. Troops going back to Iraq
2. Veterans Administration Scandal-1000's fired
3. U.S. Supreme Court hears challenges to Obamacare
4. r-winds, polar vortex, etc.
5. People wait Ferguson, MS. grand juries decision on Officer Darren Wilson
6. Attacks on the temple mount – world leaders speak out
7. Criminals becoming candidates... and get elected
8. prays in the Vatican basements tombs
9. Pope Francis says keep the law of love and says the written law is selfishness, directed towards Yisrayl Hawkins
YPN News 11-01-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 12:24
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 11-01-2014
1. Israel closes temple mount due to fighting
2. Landmark oil deal with Russia and the Ukraine
3. U.S. - Syrian negotiations?
4. Grandview Heights Middle School – teacher tells school board she's had enough, Children out of control
5. Recap: Putin’s comments on rules, or no rules
YPN News 10-25-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 21:50
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 10-25-2014
1. Boots on the ground? Troops heading to war?
2. School shooting in Washington state
3. RT T.V. - Putin's speech-New World Order – New Rules, or No Rules
YPN News 10-17-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 17:12
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 10-17-2014
1. U.S. Military covers the globe
2. Catholics in China Pope Benedict calls for religious freedom in China
3. Ebola – CDC and the 3 Americans who got Ebola
4. Ebola in Dallas Texas
YPN News 10-11-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 18:21
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 10-11-2014
1. Ebola outbreak - 1st death in the U.S.
2. Enterovirus Outbreak - death count rising
3. The New Cold War has begun
4. Obama's report and speech on ISIS
5. Pope Francis comments on attacking ISIS: he says it's “Licit”
6. V.P. Joe Biden’s address to graduates – a new world order
7. Video released by ISIS – Hollywood fashion
YPN News 10-10-2014
Year of production: 2014
Running Time: 11:45
News & Politics
YPN News Headlines 10-10-2014
Health Special
1. Ebola: U.S. Troops going to Africa
2. Enterovirus D-68 update... 42 states now have reported the virus
3. Antibacterial soap actually cause more harm, than help