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YPN-News 2011

8 Videos

YPN News 12-31-2011

Year of production: 2011

Running Time: 10:35

News & Politics

YPN News Headlines 12-31-2011
1. Unemployment on the rise
2. Prime Minister Vladimir Putin responds to US Senator John McCain’s comments
3. Russian protesters tells Prime Minister Vladimir Putin “they had enough”
4. Syrian citizens call for Bashar al-Assad resignation
5. Iran threatens to block a vital oil shipping route
6. Iran’s crude oil in danger
7. Tehran decided to hold war games in the Strait of Hormuz

YPN News 12-24-2011

Year of production: 2011

Running Time: 7:54

News & Politics

YPN News Headlines 12-24-2011
1. The Free Syrian Army
2. Fox News Criticized
3. Iran one year or less being able to assemble a nuclear weapon
4. Fights break out in malls for the Nike Air Jordan Gym Shoes
5. Hazing and Bullying claiming another life
6. Suicides in the Army

YPN News 12-17-2011

Year of production: 2011

Running Time: 10:14

News & Politics

YPN News Headlines 12-17-2011
1. Exposing the darkness of the Catholic Church
2. National Defense Authorization Act, Senate passed repealing the bill against sodomy and bestiality
3. Florida A&M University Scandal of a Homicide by Hazing
4. Pedestrian witnesses an Officer gunning down a civilian

YPN News 12-03-2011

Year of production: 2011

Running Time: 8:50

News & Politics

YPN News Headlines 12-03-2012
1. US positions missile defense system close to Russia’s border
2. Iranian demonstrators storm two British diplomatic buildings
3. Benjamin Netenyahu says, “The greatest danger is a Nuclear armed Iran”

YPN NEWS 11-26-2011

Year of production: 2011

Running Time: 11:58

News & Politics

YPN News Headlines 11-26-2011
1. Texas Drought
2. Unemployment Rate around 10%
3. Students Protesting Tuition Hikes
4. Black Friday Madness!
5. Cairo, Egypt Protest
6. NATO sending armed forces into Syria

YPN News 11-19-2011

Year of production: 2011

Running Time: 10:02

News & Politics

YPN News Headlines 11-19-2011

1. Impending threat of war between the US and Iran
2. Israel will launch military actions to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons
3. World War III
4. 2007 Iran claims over 11,000 missiles ready to take action
5. Famine in the Horn of Africa


YPN News 11-12-2011

Year of production: 2011

Running Time: 11:44

News & Politics

YPN NEWS Headlines 11-12-2011

1. Penn State University allegations of child abuse


YPN NEWS 11-05-2011

Year of production: 2011

Running Time: 17:20

News & Politics

YPN NEWS Headlines 11-05-2011:
1. Greece in deep debt
2. Where is the middle class going?
3. Poverty on the raise
4. Child Holocaust Survivors
5. Population Stabilization 
6. Death of Muammar Gaddafi

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